Just a quick post to let you all know I'm now a 2 time Marathon finisher. I completed the Dublin Marathon on Monday in 5 hours, 34 minutes & 17 seconds according to Mr Garmin.
I'll be back as soon as I can will a full race review but right now I'm trying to recover a little - it was a really tough day. My IT Band decided to start playing up at around 11 miles so I had run & then run / walk the last 15.5 miles (Garmin says 42.71 km / 26.54 miles) carrying an injury. I also got soaked to the skin in the torrential rain between miles 20 & 24 which I'm sure has developped the existing sore throat I had into a full blown cold. Giving up was never an option though & I was so happy to receive my medal at the end - I feel I really earned this one.
Thank you to everyone for their Good Luck wishes & Well Done messages - it really means a lot to me.
I am so so sorry for the lack of blog action - I can't believe my last post was about 6 weeks ago.
I just wanted to write a quick post & explain my absence & to let yu all know I'm still here & I'm OK.
The last 3 months have been pretty stressful for me and my family.
After the elation of finishing my first marathon in Edinburgh in May, Mr Fudgey & I were surprised but delighted to find out at the end of June that we were pregnant. Heartbreakingly in August we lost our baby. On top of this we received the news that my Gran's cancer was terminal & over August & September we tried to see her as often as we could, though each time knowing it could be the last. My Gran died about 3 weeks ago and we are all very sad but know she is no longer suffering & that through her illness she was surrounded by people who love her. She inspired so many of us with her strength and her dignity and she will never be forgotten.
I hope you understand why my blog had to take a break during this difficult time. I'm doing good now & it's Thanks to my amazing husband and great family & friends who helped me get through everything.
It hasn't all been bad news, Mr Fudgey & I finally did get to go on our honeymoon & had a brilliant week based at Lake Como, with visits to Bergamo, St Moritz, Lugano & Lake Maggiore.
I started a running challenge on 30th September to run everyday through October & so far have stuck with it. I'm not in the shape I was but I am feeling strong. On Monday I'll be running the Dublin Marathon. It may not be a better time than Edinburgh & I know it's going to hurt afterwards but I will do it, spurred on by the fact that I'm raising money for the miscarriage association. If anyone would like to sponsor me please let me know & I'll send on a link.
I'll let you know as soon as I can after the Marathon how I got on.
I'm not sure what the next challenge will be yet. I'm going to take a little time to rest & recover - but watch this space......
I apologise for being away for so long it's been a emotionally difficult time for Mr & Mrs Fudgey & our family & we have needed some time to deal with what has been happening & to grieve for a recent loss. I've also needed some time to heal physically as well as emotionally. On top of our immediate personal issues some of you may know that my Gran is very poorly and we are all trying to cope as best we can. I took some time away from blogging as I needed to focus my energy elsewhere and also I don't want to burden others with sadness too. I hope you will all understand.
The good news is though that September has seen me getting back to 'normal' & Dublin Marathon is very much back on the agenda. This is one tough challenge as I only have 7 weeks to get somewhere close to fit, but as many of you know my middle name should be Determined. I CAN DO THIS!
Sorry to have left you blogless for the last couple of weeks I know I promised to return, but sometimes when life gets in the way we need to take a step back & take some time out. There is a lot going on in Fudgey World right now and mostly I can't write about it - partly because it's too emotional and partly as it's not about me so not for me to blog about.
On top of this work is busy as ever but good and I feel like I've refound my confidence that was lacking this time last year and that I'm making progress.
I think I'm pretty much fully recovered from the yucky virus but Mr Fudgey is still coping with the tail end of it - think we will both be ecstatic when neither one of us is coughing anymore.
I am still training - not as much as I'd like but it's fairly consistent, I'm running, having my weekly PT & trying to do my gym programme once a week. It really helps me deal with all the other not so great stuff that is going on around me.
Hopefully I will get back to some more frequent blogging soon but I'm not going to promise too much - but fingers crossed.
Remember me? Yes I know I'm sorry it's been a while - nearly 3 weeks to be precise since my last post. As this blog is meant to be about my training & there has been a distinct lack of that recently due to this grotty virus thing I haven't a) had the energy or inclination to post & b) had virtually no training to really talk about.
However the good news is that I am finally finally feeling much more Fudgey. This week I've managed my PT session, 2 short runs & a cycle & hope to fit in my weights programme today :-)
I do have some non training stuff such as couple of days in Glasgow & some foody posts to share & will do so soon - watch this space.
I wanted to post today though to say an ENORMOUS THANK YOU to everyone for their support & sponsorship for the Edinburgh Marathon. I raised £982.48 so am delighted. If anyone didn't get round to sponsoring me & would still like to my page is still open for another 3 weeks. Sponsor Link
I've had an email today from Bliss to say Thank you which prompted this post, as I couldn't have done this without all of you.
"Thank you all so much for sending your funds in for the Edinburgh Marathon Festival. I can reveal that the Bliss Edinburgh team has overall raised a truly fantastic:
We’re so grateful for all of your incredible hard work fundraising for Bliss and for you all choosing to support our work for special care babies in such an amazing way. Thank you for being part of the team!
Thank you all again so much for your wonderful fundraising. We really couldn't continue our work without the support of fundraisers like you and we are so grateful for all your hard work!
The funds you have all raised will make a real difference to the lives of special care babies and their families- these monies could fund 22 Bliss support groups for a whole year, or go towards funding one of our major research projects, making sure that more tiny babies have the very best start in life. Because of you we will be able to help even more sick and premature babies and support their families, so a huge THANK YOU!"
Last week was another almost non existent training week. After Monday's 2 mini runs, I had PT on Tuesday afternoon & then didn't manage anything else all week.
However I pleased to say that today I finally feel much much much better and am hoping to get to the gym this afternoon.
I'm going to take it easy as after nearly 3 weeks of practically nothing I know I can't expect to return to normal immediately but fingers crossed that this will be the start of a return to normality & some form of consistent training.
Well it's been a wee while since my last post. I'm sorry I haven't written anything & I've had a few comments about the missing posts but sadly I've just not felt up to it.
In my last post I told you how I really struggled in the Race for Life 10k & I've been struggling ever since. I've had the most awful cough for the past 18 days which resulted in 3 days off work sick and in the last 2 weeks of June I only went to my weekly PT sessions and had one disastrous run - couldn't stop coughing.
Stats for June show how much my training dipped
I also had to temporarily suspend the 200 sit up challenge & the 100 press up challenge - which I'm pretty gutted about as I was going so well - but as I said this just a temporary suspension until I get myself well again.
I'm pleased to report though that finally I seem to be on the mend & the cough is nowhere near as fierce. I'm also counting my blessings that all that I've had was a very tiring & irritating cough. Unfortunately others are having to deal with much bigger and significant health issues so I am not going to whine or whinge.
Today I was back running - 2 mini runs of 3.15km & 4.19km - not going to set any Olympic records & still a bit of a cough but feeling a trillion times better. Still going to take it easy though till I know that I'm 100% as don't want to put myself back to square 1. Sometimes you have to listen to what your body needs & rest IS as important as training. My attitude is; better 2 weeks off now than trying to push through & ending up having to take 2 months off because I've broken myself. I wish I could say I was always this wise but those who know me well know I'm strong willed, stubborn, independent & don't do sick well!
Good news to share So enough about me & now for some lovely news. I became an aunt for the 3rd time last Monday when my 3rd niece Elizabeth Erin arrived weighing 8 pounds 0.5oz. A little Sister for Rose & Margaret Mary. Huge Congratulations to my Sis & her hubby. Love you all lots & lots & hope to come & visit soon.
Last but not least Massive Massive Thanks to the long suffering Mr Fudgey who has again done me proud - the Marathon vid is finally here. I can't believe how fresh I look after having run 26.2miles - makes me even more determined to do another :-)
and that dear lovely Fudgey Friends is all for just now. Time for me to get to bed.
Yesterday morning saw Mr Fudgey & I up early on our way to Edinburgh for The Race for Life 10k.
The race wasn't till 10am but due to the Sunday bus service we had to get the bus at 7.30am. Once we got to town we went to Starbucks for coffee & for me to make my now ritual dozen trips to the loo before a run!
Then we wandered down to Holyrood Park which was a sea of pink. It really was fab & the rain held of for us which was brilliant. Yet again I joined the toilet queue & I had to say the organisation was amazing there were actually people directly you to the portaloos as they became free which made the queue move really quick. The loos for a change also had toilet roll!
After the warm up from Rosemary Connelly, it was off to the start line where I found myself right at the front. This was great as in previous years I've got caught up in the walkers & had to weave in and out & unable to maintain any pace but as I was so close to the front I got a really good start - too good as I went off way to fast & blasted through the first km in 4 mins 30 seconds - way beyond my capability to maintain that sort of pace & I paid for it in the next 3km. Not helped by the fact I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last week or so & by 4k I felt that was it & seriously thought I'd have to stop. Thankfully though there soon as water stop & I slowed to a walk whilst I sipped the water. After another 2km I felt much better and finished the last 4km really strong & finished in 58 minutes 15 seconds.
It was a brilliant but tough course & I'll certainly be using it again as a training route.
When I was struggling I read the back signs on the ladies in front of me & was so inspired by them. I also had 2 runners stop and tell me they loved my back sign & that I inspired them.
I also saw a few people I know - Emma Younger, Linda Thomson & the lovely Emma Wrigley.
I also saw Denise Thomas & her daughter Meghan after I finished as they were running the 5k.
Race for Life truly is an amazing event & I feel so privileged to have been able to take part again this year. This year it was really really well organised, was a fantastic course & an amazing atmosphere.
Once across the finish line I've never been so glad to get a bottle of water in my life. I also collected my medal & my goody bag
Afterwards I popped to the gym to get showered & cleaned up & then took Dad Smith & the rest of the family to Cafe Andaluz for Father's Day lunch - by the time we'd had lunch & got home I could hardly move - I ate way too much - but the food was gorgeous.
Today I'm still coughing & spluttering all over the place so took a well deserved rest - just need to try & shift this cough.
Full Race report will follow later but I made it round the 10k yesterday in 58 minutes 15 seconds. It was a tough hilly course & I was sick twice in the first 4k!
Amazing to see so many women taking part & was totally inspired by all the messages they had on their back signs.
How are you all? Hope you are having a good weekend.
Since I posted on Tuesday I've still not been feeling too great. Had to leave Circuits class after half an hour on Wednesday as I had wobbly 'Bambi' legs and felt a bit sick. I didn't run after work as planned and I also just left my gym bag in my locker as I didn't have the energy to carry it home.
On Thursday I managed my 2 short runs and both felt good. I had an all day workshop on Thursday so ran before & after work. I had a touch of a sore / dry throat all day but felt OK.
Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat & sore ears & feeling totally wiped out & never made it to work till 9.30am. I was so glad to get to the end of the day and couldn't wait for Saturday morning with no alarm....
cue this morning I was awake at 4.25am - typical! I had a very productive morning though as I got all the laundry washed & dried, made a banana loaf & scrubbed the kitchen, took out the rubbish & recycling and went down to the shops & back in the pouring rain - I love the rain :-)
This afternoon I indulged in a nap for a couple of hours.
Tomorrow I take part in the Race for Life 10k @ Holyrood Park. I really hope my Bambi legs can get me up & round that hill! Will let you know how I get on.
After taking control yesterday, my eating was out of control today - I don't know what was wrong but I just ate all day. Been feeling very odd too - then again me being odd is maybe not anything new!
I went for a quick run after work but called it a day after half an hour and came home.
Completed the end of week 4 Maximal press up test. Another maximal test before moving onto week 5 if you manage at least 31 press ups. 39 done Couldn't squeeze out a 40th - feeling pretty crap today so 39 will just have to do & means I get to move onto week 5 :-) No interruption from the cat today as I let him out into the garden & he sat on the wall & surveyed his kingdom!
Then I started week 5 of the 200 sit up challenge Week 5 Day 1 of the 200 sit up challenge. As I said been feeling a bit odd today but still managed these. Today 54-60-45-36-75 = 270 Total
Next step of the challenge sees the sets go up to 8 rather than 5 but with less reps - so we'll see how that goes.
Then shower, food, washed kit for tomorrow, made lunch and stuff for tomorrow - I will regain control of my eating tomorrow
I'm good after a very lazy weekend - probably just what I needed & a bit of time for reflection I've realised that I've been a bit out of control for the last couple of weeks & for a control freak like me it's not a good place to be.
I've been running a little & working out as well as continuing my 2 challenges 100 pres ups & 200 sit ups, but my eating is all over the place & after 5 months of no alcohol I've certainly made up for it in the last couple of weeks. So last night I decided I was going to take charge & regain control.
After completing my press ups, Week 4 Day 3 felt very nauseous & shaky by the end...have printed off week 5 though 29-33-29-29-(37+3) = 160 Total Last set interrupted by the cat who was not very impressed & sat & cried at me!!
I prepared breakfast, lunch & snacks for today and took lamb steaks out of the freezer for dinner.
This morning I got up & ran - I pushed it really really hard & the only way to describe it was short, speedy & sweaty - I also felt a bit sick at the end as I pushed it really hard. The problem was I was really short on time - so decided short on time BIG on effort.
Then off to work - had a great productive day & really enjoyed my healthy food & snacks.
After work I had Personal Torture - sorry I mean Personal Training. It was a really tough session & I felt shaky & sicky after the squats right till the end - but I didn't give up. I was over the moon that my squat weight went up this week too - really showing progress - just need to nail that pull up now.
warm up set of assisted (19kg) pull ups - 15 reps 4 supersets of 8 assisted (12kg) pull ups with 30 Komodos 4 supersets of 12 cable pull down 55kg with 10 squat thrust & jumping pull up 3 tri sets of 15 squats 64kg (woo hoo new weight this week), 16 medicine ball lunges 8kg & 24 plyometric lunges 3 tri sets of 15 bosu squats with 9kg weights, 8 bosu lunges each leg with 9kg weight & 45 second bosu plank
I had a banana for after my session which I ate on the way to the bus but I actually think I ate too little today - from one extreme to another - with the result that when I got home I picked at things whilst dinner was cooking :-( Never mind it was still a pretty good day & I know where my danger points are so just need to watch out for them. Tomorrow I'll be better.
Blogger Issues Just a quick hello & Thank you to all my amazing blog friends & followers - at the moment I can't see my followers gadget & I can't comment on any blogs :-( Trying to resolve but easier said than done. Anyway I'm still reading everyone's blogs & comments. I just want to mention a couple of my favourite blogs - you'll see them in them in the side bar too. Jags Fitness Blog See Jo's paleo progress - Jo inspires me constantly & I'd be happy to be half as hot as she is :-) Box, Run, Eat read about Laura's awesome half marathon performance - one day I'll sub 2 hours as well :-) Runner Mum read about Liz's first trail race - I want to do one now too :-)
Well guys I'm going to indulge in an early night - I think I earned it after PT.
How are you all? I'm Ok been a wee bit off colour this week but it's not really held me back - I've been working & training hard as usual.
Wasn't sure what to post about today so apologies in advance for the random ramblings!
So where has this week gone - so fast yet again.
Training this week I ran on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday - nothing particularly spectacular - just plodding really. Hill intervals on Wednesday morning though were brutal.
PT on Monday afternoon Great workout. On a lot of things the initial weight was too light & asked to up it :-) warm up set of 15 squats 14kg
3 tri sets of 15 squats @ 55kg, 20 alternate backwards lunges with 8kg dumbbells & 15squat jumps with 8kg dumbbells - squat weight definately needs to go up next week starting to feel easy
4 supersets of pull ups (4,3,2,2) & cable rows 12 each arm first set 20kg & other 3 @ 22.5kg
3 supersets of 15 leg extensions (first set 25kg, other 3 @ 30kg) with 12 front squats (first set 15kg & other 3 @ 17.5kg)
4 supersets of 10 assisted (26kg) pull ups with hanging leg raises (8,7,6,4+5)
Circuits Class on Wednesday lunchtime After morning gradient intervals did this at lunch 11 stations 1 min 15 each 2 jack 2 back, weighted step ups, triple crunch & extend, komodos, punch bag, bicep curls, tricep press ups, chest press, clean & press, slalom & bunny hops & power bag shuttles then to end us Tabbata 4 sets of 20 secs with 10 secs rest, plyometric lunges, shuttle runs & burpees.....pure evil
200 Sit Up Challenge & 100 Press up Challenge Week 4 Day 1 200 sit up challenge. After a run & PT I could have skipped these but determined to stick with it - kind of hurt a little LOL 5 sets 32-38-32-32-53 = 187 Total
After hill intervals & circuits on Wed I'm sure you'd forgive me skipping these - not to mention a couple of glasses of wine....but I signed up so best get them done -alternated sets of sit ups & press ups. Week 4 day 2 200 sit up challenge 38-45-38-38-60 = 219 week 4 day 1 100 press up challenge 21-25-21-21-32 = 120
Friday - I'm beginning to wonder why I thought this was a good idea - thought I was going to throw up! alternated sets of sit ups & press ups as I missed doing the press ups on Thursday Week 4 day 3 200 sit up challenge 45-50-45-45-70 = 255 Total - onto week 5! week 4 day 2 100 press up challenge 25-29-25-25-36 = 140 Total - actually think the last set was 35.5 - 1 day left of week 4 but getting really hard.
Hard as they are I'm sticking with both of these challenges. I think that I may have to repeat week 4 on the press ups as they are certainly the harder of the 2 but I will get there
Things that make me Smile Been busy pottering about doing laundry and tidying this morning & snapped a few photos to share. I also took a few old snaps of my camera that I realised I've not posted.
Beautiful flowers from Mr Fudgey - including my favourites Gerberas
Anything Beetroot
Visit from Angus, John & Caroline last week
Nice Smelling things - gift from John, Angus & Caroline
Our Babies
A few mentions Good Luck to everyone taking part in The Moonwalk this evening - I hope the rain goes away for you. Good Luck to everyone currently taking part in The Caledonian Challenge Good Luck to anyone taking part in Race for Life this weekend - my event is next Sunday
Well done to my eldest niece Rose for passing her first dancing exams :-)
Last but not least Good Luck to my amazing Sis - hope you don't have to wait too long for the new arrival and that you are all back home together very soon.
I'm off now to see what I can conjure up in the kitchen for dinner.
Yet another week has whizzed by - I've been back to my positive eating plan this week & in spite of an indulgent night on Thursday have managed to get 2 pounds off this week. My theory is if I can lose a few pounds & get back in shape it'll help take some time off my Marathon time for Dublin. So here's how the week looked.....
First post marathon run 4.02 km After a whole week of no running - (I don't think that has happened in about 18 months!) I was back at it on Monday morning & it felt good to be back
200 sit up challenge week 3 day 1 First day of the challenge managed all 5 sets 21-27-21-21-37 = 127 Total
Just a little run today 5.48 km Loved this run - started out very slow & built it up - finishing faster than I've ran in a long time - felt really good too - then home to do the press ups!
100 press up challenge Week 3 day 1 good god this was hard work. 5 sets 14-18-14-14-25 = 85 Total
PT Fastest hour ever - time flys when you are having fun
warm up set of 15 squats 14kg 3 x tri set of 15 squats 55kg, 6 slow bosu lunges each leg 5kg dumbbells, 12 step ups each leg with 15kg barbell 4 xsuperset of pull ups (4,3,2 & 1) with wide grip cable pull down (1 set of 12 @ 55kg & then 3 sets of 8 @ 60kg) 3 x superset of cable hamstring curls 12 each leg 25kg & hanging leg raises (10, 7 & 6) 3 x superset of 10 assisted (19kg for first set then 12kg for 2 sets) pull ups with 20 hammer curls 7kg dumbbells
200 sit up challenge Week 3 Day 2 Straight up the upstairs after getting home from PT to do my sit ups. Job done. 5 sets 30 - 38-23-23-45 = 159 total
Quick Cycle Legs were feeling a little heavy so did 10km on the bike rather than running
100 press up challenge Week 3 Day 2 I think these may well kill me 5 sets 20 -25-15-15-20+7 = 102 Total Last set was meant to be at least 25 but I had to take a tiny rest after 20 before doing another 7.
Drunken Night Out Thursday evening I was straight out from work & I think probably consumed my body weight in red wine, champagne & not to mention a black sambuca. I never got home till 12.30 & was a little worse for wear. Great night out though - but not something I think I could do on a regular basis - I must be getting old!
Hungover Gym Visit Even though I never got to my bed till after 1am I was still up & on my usual bus for 6.50am and headed to the gym before work. I only managed about 18 minutes on the treadmill & 10 on the cross trainer - I thought sweating out some of the alcohol would make me feel better - it didn't!
Entertaining On Saturday lunchtime we had friends over for lunch so we were up early tidying & I was preparing food. I made homemade Smoked Salmon & Broccoli quiches with Salad & Poached Pears with raspberries for dessert. In true Come Dine with me style I'd never made either of these before but thankfully they turned out really well. It was great catching up with John & Caroline & little Angus.
Laziness The rest of the weekend has been really lazy - Mum & Dad Smith came back from their holidays so we went to see them yesterday afternoon. Then today I never got up till 11.30am & took the decision not to run at all. I must have really needed the rest. We went off for a food shop this afternoon & then back to Mum & Dad Smith's for dinner & now I'm home blogging but must do my sit ups & press ups.....
200 sit up challenge Week 3 Day 3 Thought I better get these done after 2 days off. 5 sets today 33-42-30-30-50 = 185 total
100 press up challenge Week 3 Day 3 These ain't getting any easier!!!! 5 sets today 22-30-20-20-29 = 121 Total
Well after that I'm exhausted - time to get my lunch etc ready for tomorrow & then into bed.
I can't believe that a week has passed already since my first marathon. It's also been my first non running week in a long long time - at least a year I think & possibly as much as 18 months) So I hear you ask how have I coped not running & what have I done with my boundless energy & enthusiasm & grumpiness that sets in when I don't run....
Rest & Recovery Last Monday I had the day off after the Marathon but felt a lot better than I expected. I pottered about the house and then headed into town to meet my fabulous hubby for coffee & cake. I also treated myself to some Clarin skincare products.
Pampering I was back to work on Tuesday & my quads were a little stiff but other than that I was absolutely fine. I had a pretty full day of meetings but a nice reward after work when I had a back, neck & shoulder massage and a facial. Then it was off to Livingston's restaurant in Linlithgow for a celebratory meal. This is the second time I've been here and the food again was simply exceptional. For my starter I had - Marbled Terrine of Confit Game, Livingston's Branston, Tomato-Bread, Hazelnuts, my main course - Fillet of Aged Scottish Beef, Braised Feather Blade, Potato Puree, Carmelised Shallots, Wilted Spinach, Red Wine Jus and dessert - Passionfruit Tart, Chocolate Marquise, Passion Fruit Reduction, Coconut Sorbet all accompanied by an absolutely delicious Malbec & finished off with coffee & tablet. Thank you so much to hubby for taking me.
Washed Out Wednesday On Wednesday my quads felt more sore than they had on Monday or Tuesday and plans of maybe going to circuits were put aside. Tuesday night wasn't a late night, nor really one of over indulgence but I simply felt washed out all day - so an early night was just what the doctor ordered.
Back to the Torture Thursday morning was my first visit back to the gym since the marathon and back to personal training. Tightness in quads pretty much gone & good job too!
3 sets of 2 unassisted pull ups - 1st one was so nearly nearly there 4 supersets of 10 cable pull downs 65kg with 15 swiss ball chest press with 8kg dumbbells 4 supersets of 6 widegrip assisted pull ups with 12 matrix bicep curl - 4 bottom half, 4 top half, 4 full 14kg - hurt like hell! warm up set of 15 squats 14kg 3 tri sets of 15 squats 55kg, 12 high bar lunges 10kg & 30seconds of oblique cycles managed 46, 55 & 58.
Felt surprisingly good after the Marathon
Spinning Friday saw me back in the spin studio - possibly for the first time this year I think as I've had to put in so much running so it was good to be back. 5th day of no running & had twitchy legs but taking a full weeks running rest so this was a great alternative. Forgot how much I actually enjoy spin - I am definitely far from normal.
Lazy Weekend Not too much to report from the weekend - a very laid back & lazy one to be honest but again probably what I needed. I had my hair done on Saturday & have gone back to brunette - not that I didn't like the blond but just too much maintenance & not really me - after all neither She Hulk or Wonderwoman are blond! I also managed to fit in the initial tests for the 100 press up challenge (managed 30) & the 200 sit up challenge (managed 50)- both of which are not bad starting points & see me starting the programme at week 3. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
What next.... Aiming to obliterate that 10k in 3 weeks!
and beyond that...... I've entered The Dublin marathon on 31st October 2011. After swearing during the last few weeks of training that Edinburgh was not just my first but my only Marathon - I've been bitten by the bug and signed up for another. Maybe I wouldn't have felt the same if I'd not enjoyed the run so much but I loved every minute of it and me being me am gutted I didn't finish under 5 hours so need to do better!
I think that's enough for one evening I shall leave you there and go get my running gear sorted for tomorrow.
I've been procrastinating for the last 45 minutes about writing this report. My head is still buzzing & I have so much I want to share but just don't know where to start.
Pre Race 'Zipping up the Fudgey suit' As it was a 10am start on Sunday we didn't need to get up as early as we had for last years half or for the Kilomathon so the alarm didn't go off till 7.15am. I'd had a migraine on Saturday afternoon and had napped for 2 hours so was pleasantly surprised to have a fantastic night's sleep & wake up feeling refreshed. First up was my usual race day breakfast of Marks & Spencer Apple & Sultana porridge - I don't know what I'll do if they ever discontinue this. I also drank about 800ml of water before we left the house, so again as usual several toilet visits too. I had laid everything out on Saturday night so there wasn't much to do other than tape my feet, get dressed and head out the door. As Mr Fudgey was coming home after the start I had a bag of stuff for him to pick up to bring to the finish - which is where I had put my purse.....so leaving the house at 8.20am I suddenly realise I need my bus pass which is in the purse....but it wasn't in the bag....couldn't remember what I had done with it & we had to go as our Sunday morning service is only 1 bus an hour & the bus was at 8.30am (Actually found the purse when we got home later on the kitchen counter - dizzy Fudgey)
The bus journey was a bit of a nightmare - the bus stopped at every stop and people got on - most of them not knowing what they were doing or where they were going. I was starting to wish I had my ipod to zone out. Eventually off the bus and I was bursting for the toilet - so dived into The Old Waverley hotel to use their facilities - then walked the short distance up to Regent road for the start.
I got a bit emotional when I top my running top out to put on - it was just a realisation of what I was about to do & why I was doing it & it all got a bit much - Mr Fudgey however at the time was filming so I am sure that the tears will somehow make it into the edited video - well I suppose it is who I am - an emotional little Fudgey.
Mr Fudgey left me at about 9.35am to head off to find a good place to cheer me on & film me from. Rather than hanging about in my start pen for 25 minutes I decided to visit the portaloos again - as usual at every event big queues. I eventually got to the front - imagine my face when I came out & the place had cleared! I rushed back up to the road but the announcer was still saying 10 minutes to the start so I hadn't missed anything Thank goodness. I joined my starting pen and slowly we inched towards the start line - there were masses of runners & I think it took nearly 15 minutes for me to actually reach the start line & then we were off.
The Route
The Race I knew that I had to try not to get too caught up in the start of the race or head out to fast but of course I did - I looked at my garmin but was very disciplined and made myself ease off a little. Saw Mr Fudgey twice in the first km - he is an absolute star - I don't know how he manages to catch me every time. First 5k felt brilliant - nice easy, consistent pace, could have gone faster but was really anxious not to knacker myself when I had so far to go. Coming up to around 10km I was really encouraged to see 3 people I knew from work cheering the runners on - Fiona Mills, Richard Hope & Scott Innes. Around 13k I also saw Scott Smith who was running in the relay heading to the relay point to prepare for his leg of the run. I was feeling really good & really comfortable, even the couple of showers of rain didn't bother me as they didn't last too long & weren't too heavy. Around 15k I saw the Bliss support team and again this really spurred me on. I was running really well & my splits were even but I wasn't sure how long I'd maintain it. I decided I'd run for as long as I possibly could & made it to 30k running nonstop. I was also delighted to see my friend Steve Kinghorn twice on the dogleg part of the course - this really spurred me on again especially when I felt something in my shoe which felt like my toenail coming off - this didn't stop me though I just hobble a little for a few steps gritted my teeth & pushed on. The toenail didn't actually come off but I think it soon will. Made it to 32km in 3 hours 43 minutes and was really pleased fastest I'd done this in training was 4 hours 3 minutes. At this point I was certain I could make the finish in about 4 hours 50ish, but then we turned face into the wind & the next 10k were a real battle. Gusts of wind kept catching my cap & after grabbing in several times I eventually let it go at about 24 miles - it was only £1 from Asda after all. My eyes were streaming from the wind too and I was having to walk a little but I was really enjoying myself. At around 25.5miles I saw my friends Smurfie & Lorna and this really lifted me - I was so happy to see them & they did me very proud with their cheering. Then I could see the finish line & I saw Mr Fudgey. I was delighted to see it wasn't on the rubber mats like last years half so was able to increase the pace & sprint for the line. Both hands went in the air & punched the air in victory - I'd really done it I'd run my first Marathon.
The Finish Area I'm not sure how but Steve had got back to the finish & met me at the finishers area so I was chatting away to him while negotiating the shambles that was the finishers area this year. There were tables with lucozade & water so I helped myself but there was no obvious organisation - in fact there wasn't even anyone directing runners were to go. It was a complete bottle neck. I was unceremoniously given a medal - last year we had our medals hung round our necks. Then I found the table with the finishers t-shirts & then the goody bags. To be fair I think the race crew were quite stressed as there were so many people in such a small street & no obvious organisation or channeling of runners. Last year at the half I had described the finish area to Mr Fudgey as a party atmosphere - not this year I was very disappointed. There was also no banana this year - though further up there seemed to be loads of discarded skins so I wonder if they had run out. We then had to negotiate around people trying to get to the baggage trucks. I asked Mr Fudgey where Mum & Dad Smith were & he didn't know. They had dropped him off as they couldn't get near the car park. So we phoned them & they were at the reunion area. Mr Fudgey had been given directions the wrong way to the finish by a race steward - it took a runner to tell him where to go to see me finishing. We then met Mum & Dad Smith who were gutted they hadn't seen me run as they weren't allowed near the finish area. There was no sign of the advertised big screen - but I later heard there was a screen but it was broken. The car park was not accessible by the directions supplied - so 2 parking tickets paid for - not used because my supporters couldn't get there. Also KMac & Rob couldn't get through to see me run either and were upset & angry. Both race stewards & police were downright rude to Mum & Dad Smith. It kind of took the shine off things a little. GSI Events should be ashamed of the organisation this years finish - it was an absolute disgrace. I have heard numerous similar stories from other runners & their supporters.
The Goody Bag
Post Race When we got home it was an effort to get out of the car & into the house - also captured on video! Once I'd had my ice bath though & a warm shower I felt a lot better. We went to Mum & Dad Smith for a lovely meal & also some very lovely wine - Chateau Neuf du Pape - my favorite:-) I've had today off and everything still seems to be working fine - no running for a good few days though. My quads are a little sore today & surprisingly my collar bone is really sore possibly from battling into the wind? Tomorrow I have a facial & aback neck & shoulder massage to look forward & a celebratory meal with my fabby Mr Fudgey.
So that was my first marathon - but I am sure not my last - I totally loved it & think I really can improve my time with the right training.
Whats Next? Next up I have a 10k in about 4 weeks so a wee rest this week & then back to the training - better get some hills in.
Well as you will see from my countdown clock it is nearly time. Tomorrow I'll be running the Edinburgh Marathon.
I really wanted to a quick post tonight to say Thank you and to recognise all the people who have helped & supported me to get this far as they are all as much a part of this as I am.
Mr Fudgey - Best Hubby in the world Poor Mr Fudgey has probably had the toughest job of all. He has been so patient, supportive, encouraging & when I needed it honest with me. I could write a whole post about just how wonderful he is.
Family, Friends, Colleagues I'm so lucky to have the most amazing support network of family, friends & colleagues. Mum & Dad Lockie, Mum & Dad Smith, The McWilliams Clan, Mr & Mrs Muppet, Gran, Liz, Kenneth, and Fay. KMac & Smurfie who help keep me sane. Colin Fraser who keeps me in shape. Clare Fulton - Sports Masseuse Extraordinaire. My wonderful work colleagues who endure my endless running chat & sometimes boundless energy / hyperactivity!
Amazing Charity I'm running for an amazing charity - Bliss. Hannah at Bliss has been fantastic sending out weekly emails to EMF runners, organising cheering materials, t-shirts, running vests and generally answering queries.
Supporters Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far. It's not to late though if anyone else would still like too. http://www.justgiving.com/Claire-Smith15
Mark Cooper Mark is a running friend I've made this year & he is tackling the impressive challenge of running the 10k, 5k, half Marathon & Marathon this weekend.
DailyMile In the past 6 months I've made many running friends through DailyMile. I'd especially like to mention the running lovelies Emma W & Karen S - who have inspired me so much & who are both also running the Marathon tomorrow. There are way too many people to mention - but those I can think of who are running tomorrow as well are: Lena C, Richard M, HonestJim, MovingA, IanP, Chloe M, Armando & Neil G - Good Luck to everyone and I look forward to seeing all your DM post race updates :-) Also Ben W who is running the Windermere Marathon tomorrow - Good Luck ;-) I wish I could mention everyone as you are all fab.
Well time for me to go & try relax a bit. Will post briefly tomorrow to let you know I made it.
Today we said goodbye to our friend Judi. Those of you who have been following me a while may remember my post last year about Judi's Rays of Sunshine
The funeral service was a humanitarian one and was lovely, though a sad & emotional day it was a real celebration of Judi's life and I feel so privileged to have known her - she certainly was one amazing lady.
I was thinking about the day on the bus on my way home and recalled one of the anecdotes from the service about one of Judi's favourite sayings being 'Fail to Prepare - Prepare to Fail' I actually recall her saying this:-)
Though I have my own reasons for running and supporting Bliss, I will be thinking of Judi on Sunday & taking inspiration from her. I'll also be thinking of Judi when I take part in this year's Race for Life event. This post from last week and my entry into Race for Life was as a result of the news that Judi had said goodbye to us and for a couple of people close to my heart who have cancer.
I've certainly done the preparation for the Marathon & I refuse to fail now.
I'm so sorry I have left you blogless - I haven't forgotten you. Please forgive me.
So where I have been for over a week you ask.
Katie Melua @ Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
On Monday 9th March we finally got to see the postponed Katie Melua concert from December and she was absolutely amazing. Brilliant night out but made for a long day as was out the house from 6.30am to squeeze in a quick pre work run - short on both time and enthusiasm though was getting into it just as I had to stop to get ready for work. Small niggles in calf and tightness in ankle. Not home till about 11.30pm - well worth it though.
Personal Torture warm up set of 12 assisted pull ups 26kg 3 sets of 2 'unassisted' pull ups ('unassisted' = a little help from my trainer) These were poor can do better but arms still sore from Friday's PT. 3 supersets of 8 assisted pull ups 12kg with 12 assisted tricep dips 26kg 4 supersets of 10 lat pull downs 35kg & 16 alternate bicep curls 9kg 3 tri sets of lunges 25 kg bar 12 each leg, 16 medicine ball lunges 6kg & 12 swiss ball hamstring curls each leg 3 supersets 15 swissball jack knifes & 15 ab extensions with 25lb plate
It never seems to get any easier!
Back to Circuits & a cheeky wee run My absolute favourite class with my fab friend Smurfy @ lunchtime Didn't feel sore at all after yesterday's PT so went to circuits - think it may all catch up with me tomorrow though - arms are starting to ache & it'll be shower & early bed for me Stations today were: lunges with 15kg bar, bicep curls 10kg bar, skipping, side raises with 3kg dumbbells, punchbag, suicides, squats 30kg, step ups with 5kg dumbbells, press up, tricep dips, inverted row & power bag sprints. 2 rounds of a minute each station. Then after work a wee treadmill session Running with sore abs is a little challenging but I did a workout I quite like which is after warming up for a few minutes taking the speed up by 0.1km/h each minute for 15 minutes & then back down before a cool down. Job done
Crap Day at the office tension resolver 5.62 km - Thought this would make me feel better after a crap day at work but sadly it didn't :-( threw in a couple of sprint intervals amongst a general plod but just wasn't really in the mood Ended up having a fairly early night and thankfully felt better in the morning.
Friday again - where does the week go Not been to pump for ages as been focusing so much on my running but since I'm tapering today was a NO run day but I needed / wanted to do something so I went to pump at lunchtime and really enjoyed it :-) Still reintroducing fish into my diet and had tuna steak for the second time with no ill effect - this time I cooked it in say sauce & orange juice & it was fab. More fudgey food pictures soon I promise.
Reality Strikes Saturday was a fairly lazy day with general tidying & laundry but the big event of the weekend was my Marathon race number arriving :-$ Real roller coaster of emotions.
Last real run before the big day So not up for this - huge Thanks to hubby who kissed me at the front door told me to 'zip up my mansuit & get out running' First 5k were a real effort but I just kept plodding along focusing on each 1/2km at a time & it started to feel better after 5k by the time I was finishing at 13k I felt much better and wanted to go further - but being a good girl & following the taper caper- too late now to make any difference. 1 week to go #Edinburgh Marathon
More Personal Torture Back to work today - Monday again & my weekly PT session - booked it early this week so I am recovered for the big day. fastest hour ever 3 sets of 2 pull ups (almost unassisted) 4 supersets of 8 widegrip cable pull down 37.5kg & 15 cable flyes 12.5kg 3 sets of 1 pull up (almost unassisted) 3 supersets of 10 (each arm) single arm row 30lbs & 10 preacher curls don't know weight - don't like these they hurt! 3 trisets of 15 leg press 75kg, 20 overhead lunges 10kg & 15 weighted squat jumps 10kg dumbbells 3 sets of 10 triple crunch first set with 5lb plate but went up to 10lb as the 5 was too light! 2 sets of 10 medicine ball pass, twist, crunch combo
Good session today went past so quick
and that my dear fudgey friends is a whistle stop roundup of where I have been & what I've been up to. Busy week at the office and getting ready for the weekend. Just keep telling myself this is what I've trained for.
If I could change the world, If there was just one thing I could do no matter how improbable, I'd rid the world of cancer. Sadly it's not possible but as my small contribution I've decided to sign up for a Race for Life 10k run.
I decided to take part in this event this year as cancer has and is affecting so many people I know and care about.
I just wish there was more I could do.
The Race for Life story Race for Life is the largest women-only fundraising event in the UK. Since 1994, women of all ages and fitness levels across the UK have come together at these inspiring events to walk, jog or run to help beat cancer.
Some of Race for Life women take part in celebration of surviving a cancer experience. Others take part in memory of a loved one or to give hope to a cancer-free future. But all share a common goal: to raise money for Cancer Research UK's groundbreaking work and to help save more lives.
I have already raised a lot of money this year for Bliss and wouldn't normally ask for anymore sponsorship but this is a cause I feel very very strongly about for many reasons for me, for my family, my friends & colleagues whose lives have been touched by cancer in one way or another.
If anyone would like to sponsor me I have set up a new sponsor page
Sorry I haven't had a chance to post since Monday - I honestly don't know where the time goes.
2 Weeks to go It's now less than 2 weeks till the Edinburgh Marathon and I'm starting my taper & race day prep already. I've written my name on my Bliss running top, though this looks like it's run a little when I washed it after wearing to train today :-(. I've stocked up on the gels I'll be used, checked I have enough foot tape and tested out my race day kit. I also had a wee emotional moment yesterday and I'm sure it'll be the first of many between now & race day, but I've done as much training as I possibly could and thankfully am injury free so there's not much more I can do now. I'm nervous & excited at the same time.
Making Progress The last couple of months have really seen me progress in terms of my running. A few edited highlights... * March: logged my first 50km + week (in fact there were 2 weeks > 50k) * March: ran the furthest I ever had before (31k) * April: logged my first 60km + week * April: a new PB at Kilomathon distance (26.2km) taking 6 minutes 21 seconds off my time from October 2010 * April: increased my furthest distance run (32.35km) * May: though only 1 week old has seen me log my first 70km+ week * May: a new furthest distance (35.17km)
I also looked back at the first 4 months of last year compared to this year and it looks pretty good to me:-)
Training this week It's been a strange week as I had my long run on Monday so though this was the start of my taper I was beginning the week with my log run delayed from Sunday - so technically that belonged to last week.
Tuesday I squeezed in a short recovery run and was really please at how good it felt. I expected this to hurt so was delighted when it didn't.
Wednesday - just a short run before work as that was all I could fit in
Thursday - run & ride. I ran most of the way to work about 85% of the way but then got the bus the last bit. Partly to get to work quicker and partly as I don't want to overdo it at this late stage.
Friday - Personal training.
felt so tired all day & then I had PT - afterwards apart form the dead arms I felt fab.
3 sets of 10 squat thrust & jumping pull up - these pull ups are starting to look real good even if I say so myself
4 supersets of 10 narrow grip underarm cable pull down 37.5kg with hanging legs raises - these were poor given what I know I can do, sets of 9, 11, 7 & 6
4 supersets of 12 wide grip cable pull down 70kg & 15 cable flyes only 7.5kg
3 supersets of hamstring cable curls 30kg 10 each leg with 12 cable crunches 35kg
My upper body then had that lovely dull heavy ache :-) I love it
Saturday = Total rest Day. I did acquaint myself with Mr Foam Roller - he hurts.
Sunday - A fairly short run today & it didn't feel that great - too be honest I wasn't in the mood but knew I had to run at least 7.71km to reach 70k for this week - I managed 8.4km and if I'd had more time probably would have run about 12 or 13 - but was glad I was on a clock and had to stop. There was no problem with my legs they feel pretty good but my arms are so broken. After my run I really struggled to get my top off! Mr Fudgey & I then went to Thor in 3D. We both really enjoyed it. I struggled to get my coat off and then back on at the cinema - hope my arms feel better tomorrow. Lazy tonight too and went to the fish & chip shop for tea - sometimes you need a treat.
Well I think I will leave you there. I want to go get my kit organised for tomorrow and lunches etc. I have a few busy days coming up but will be back soon with a new post.
How are you all? Hope you've had a lovely holiday weekend. It was been absolutely glorious here and we've been enjoying the new conservatory furniture - as have our furry kids!
It's only been a week but I feel like we've packed so much in and now it's only 20 days to the Marathon - a good run today though has left me approaching my taper with a hint of confidence. So here's a round up on my week.
Wiped Out I have to admit that after Easter Sunday's long run & banoffee pie indulgence I was pretty wiped out on Easter Monday & we just had a pretty lazy day about the house.
Recovery Run & PT Tuesday I managed to fit in a pre work recovery run 5.17km Less painful than I expected after Sunday's effort. Then after work it was my weekly PT session 3 sets of 2 pull ups with a tiny help from my trainer - I'm seeing the progress slowly - soon I'll be unassisted
4 supersets of underarm grip lat pull down - first 2 sets 12 reps @ 35kg, second 2 sets 8 reps @ 40kg superset with swiss ball plank each held for a full minute
4 supersets of wide cable pull down first set 12 reps @ 60kg, second set 12 reps @ 65kg, then 2 sets of 8 reps @ 70kg superset with 12 cable wood chops each side @ 20kg
warm up set of 10 squats just the bar (about 14kg) 3 supersets of squats 15 reps @ 55kg with 12 weighted squat jumps with 10kg dumbbells. A little nervous the first set of squats at the heavier weight but managed every rep in every set
3 supersets of cable hamstring curls @ 25kg, 12 each leg with press ups 30, 25 & 20
Then I came home and enjoyed the sun in the conservatory as I was knackered!
Wednesday & Thursday Doubles Both days I ran twice. Wednesday before (5.27km) & after work (6.52km) and decided that after work is just not my best time of day to run - I really prefer morning or lunchtime. Thursday lunchtime (5.27km) and after work (9.37km) and first run of the year in shorts. Nice steady plod. Looked like i'd been for a swim rather than a run by the end
Visiting Time On Friday Mr Fudgey & I went through to Glasgow to visit my Gran in hospital. We are incredibly incredibly grateful to Dad Smith for taking us there & back - it saved a lot of hassle with holiday travel services and figuring out how to get to somewhere we hadn't been before on public transport. My Gran was also very grateful and though surprised when we turned up was very pleased to see us. Such shame that visiting was only an hour.
Charity Swishing Event On Saturday I was in town all day to do mini manicures at my friend's charity swishing event, so it was another full day & I wasn't home till about 7.30pm. I had a good day though it was a shame that the event wasn't better attended especially as my friend Patricia put in so much effort organising it.
Lazy Sunday Yesterday was a very lazy day. I planned to run but didn't as I woke up tired, dehydrated and headachy. I spent most of the day dozing in the conservatory & then in the evening had Mum & Dad Smith over for dinner as they too have had an incredibly busy week, running round doing good deeds for everyone else and giving up their time without complaint so I thought it would be nice for me to cook for them.
Another Holiday & my Longest Run Ever I was off work again today - it's going to be a shock to the system next week when I have to work a full 5 days! I knew I had to get in my final 20 - 22 miler before the Edinburgh Marathon and then begin my taper. So I got up, had my rice krispies, got organised including slapping on the factor 25 as it was very sunny though quite breezy. I really wasn't up for this today but planned an easy out & back route with the intention to see how I felt at 16k & either turn then or head on for another couple of k. I also made sure I had my bus pass and some money just in case, but it turned out great. Today there was more running, less walking, still a little hobbling & a little mild panic when my groin popped at 9km - but I'm fine. Highlights on today's run were being chased by a dog at about 30k - a little yappy terrier thing and then just before 32k seeing Dad Smith - who very kindly offered me a lift - hope that isn't because I looked fit to drop! When I went out last week I ran 20.1 miles in 4 hours 16 minutes. Checkpoint at same distance today 4 hours 3 minutes. Pretty pleased with that improvement. I managed 35.17km (21.85 miles) today & mostly felt good. A little pain in my left knee and need to keep an eye on that - I think I will definitely wear a knee support on marathon day, but this had been a massive confidence boost & though not easy I know that on race day I will manage 26.2 miles.
Time to go now & get some food with Mr Fudgey. It's been way too hot so we've waited till later & I've made some nice salad.
Belated Happy Easter. Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Mr Fudgey & I have been fortunate to have a 4 day weekend & I have to admit I am so glad as I'm just exhausted.
"'Your feet hurt because you’re kicking so much ASS!” Apparently the above was a banner at a race - this would have made me laugh & kick even harder! The reality is my foot hurt because I didn't tape it properly but I'm pleased to report it is on the mend. The injury did mean though that from the Kilomathon last Sunday till this Saturday I never ran a single km. In fact I never saw the inside of the gym till Thursday & that was for a PT session which was as torturous as usual.
Catching Up On Friday Mr Fudgey & I headed through to Glasgow to meet up with my Gran for lunch. It was great to see her and hear all about her recent holiday to Portugal. Now I'm sure my Gran wouldn't want me to publish her age here but it's fair to see she is a little more than twice my age and she has so much energy. Bowling, dancing, travelling and socialising with friends are just a few of the activities she enjoys. She really is an amazing lady and I hope I have half her energy when I'm her age - in fact half her energy now would be good :-)We all have heroes & people who inspire us - but sometimes they are closer to you than you may think.
Foot Tester On Saturday morning I decided that I'd head out for a short run to see how my foot would hold up & if I would be OK for my long run on Sunday. It was cold, grey and damp but I have a fantastic short & hilly but fast and strong run. I kept it short as the plan for Sunday was to increase my distance again.
Beyond the Comfort Zone I got up a little later than planned on Sunday and my enthusiasm from Saturday had gone - I wasn't in the mood to run & made even harder knowing that it was 20 miles on the plan. By the time I headed out it was just after 10am and it was already getting hot. I had on a long sleeved white top & a cap to protect me from the sun. Off I went - was amazed just how much the 2 litres of water in the hydration pack and my tiredness slowed me down. The first 14km of my route were pretty hilly - I've run this route a couple of times before & this hill is a close second nemesis to my arch enemy Arthur's seat. It doesn't look much from the bottom but this is the view from the top I chose this as part of my route though as it's so pretty and I especially wanted to enjoy the views in the sunshine for the first time. The heat, the hills and my general tiredness really took it out of me though and by 13km I wanted to quit & go home. I had a wee chat with myself as you do and decided that I needed to carry on as on Marathon day I'm not just going to give up & go home if it's a bit tough. Decided to run down by the canal for a bit but my pace dropped even more with the uneven surface and my left knee started to hurt a little. By 16km my right glute & right inner thigh were also hurting in addition to the left knee. I was pretty fed up but stuck with it, though it became more of a run, walk, hobble than a complete run. I would walk 200m then run 800m when I couldn't keep running. Sheer bloody mindedness and determination got me through and I stopped my garmin at 32.35km (20.1 miles) I should have felt elated but I just wanted to cry to be honest. Lucozade recovery drink, Ice bath, cup of tea, warm shower & 2XU compression tights on I didn't feel quite so bad - as I posted on facebook...Mentally & emotionally = happy & proud. Physically = hurting I later discovered I had also managed to get a bit sunburnt. I had rolled my right sleeve half way up when it got really hot but couldn't roll up the left as my garmin was over it - so I have a very distinct red / white divide on my right arm and the backs of my hands were a bit pink too - so must remember next time to get the sun cream on before heading out - just not used to this weather at home.
Fantastic Mr Fudgey I know I mention Mr Fudgey often but I honestly can't Thank him enough for his continued support. He really is the best. On Sunday he was busy at home cutting all the grass & doing the ironing whilst I was out running. He really is a star doing everything he can to make sure I can fit in my training and have as stress free a time at home as I possibly can. Thanks Babe xxxx
It would be wrong not to Thank everyone else for their words of encouragement, advice, support and tolerance of me when I', tired, irritable & grumpy - you all know who you are. I have the best family and friends ever.
Easter Dessert Mum & Dad Smith invited us for dinner on Easter Sunday and I knew I had this to look forward too whilst I was out plodding the roads. I had said I'd make a dessert and decided for once to ditch the healthy books & make something decadent - Banoffee Pie. This also prompted an unplanned arm workout as I don't have an electric whisk & I had to whip the cream by hand - my poor arms ached like my legs afterwards! But it was worth the effort Thanks to Mum Smith for a fab meal and to Dad Smith for the taxi service - very very much appreciated.
Lazy Day Today has been a very lazy day. I didn't sleep well last night - sore legs but they are much better today & I walked down to the shops and back to pick up milk just to stretch them off - no run today - may squeeze in a quick recovery tomorrow time permitting.
Going to go and start organising dinner - I've been trying to reintroduce fish to my diet to eliminate which doesn't agree with me and enjoyed tuna steak last week served with roasted tomato & sweet potato crush. Tonight's effort is salmon with corn on the cob & some sort of rice.
Finally a race report from Sunday's Kilomathon - sorry for the delay.
The alarm went off at 5.30am on Sunday and I was up and eating my usual pre race fuel of Marks & Spencer's Sultana & apple instant porridge by 6am. It was a real struggle but experience has taught me how important it is for long runs to get the correct food in and when is the best time for me - I find about 2 hours before the start works best for me. I also drank some water & a small cup of tea.
The taxi arrived to take us to Ingliston at 6.30am.
Once we arrived I had to collect my race number & timing chip as I was technically a late entry as entered through my charity Bliss and it wasn't all finalised till late March. No problems getting sorted at the help desk though I did feel for the 2 women staffing it and the growing queue - they seemed to have it all under control though. The sun was already out though it was a little chilly and forecast was for temperatures around 17c.
Just after I came out of the help desk we met KMac & Rob. Kmac was running the half kilomathon.
Several loo trips - luxurious by other race standards as they were real toilets not the usual portaloos and then it was time to go to our starting pens. The half runners were about 3 pens in front of me so I waited with KMac till almost the last minute & then joined my pen which was the last one and I was pretty much at the very end. Experience from this event last year when I was at the start of my pen had meant that I had gone off to fast and then been passed by lots of runners which can be demoralising so I figured if I started at the back the crowd would force me to initially keep the pace down and the I could be motivated by moving my way forward rather than seeming to go backwards.
8am sharp we were off.
Saw Mr Fudgey & Rob on the way past & then saw Mr Fudgey again as I came past the entrance area after initial half lap within Royal Highland Centre. I looked at my garmin and thought oh no I have gone off too fast though I didn't feel like I was going fast so I tried to slow down a little but I was feeling really good. First water station about 4k - I felt brilliant. Took on a gel about 6k - didn't really want it but the run was as much about Marathon preparation than anything else. 8k still feeling really good but starting to think there was no way I could maintain this pace for the full 26.2km
Just before 10km on the bridge I saw Kmac ahead of me so when I caught her I fell into stride with her. She looked fab but said she was struggling a little and her IT band was hurting. I stayed with her all the way to 13.1km and walked a little of each km when she was starting to hurt - but looking at my splits it was only really the 13th km that was much slower. Took another gel at about 11k again not really wanted but knew better to have before I needed it. It was really pleasant on the bridge crossing with a nice breeze - though there was still hardly a cloud in the sky.
KMac finished the half in about 1hour 24 minutes and I'm so proud of her.
I still had another 13.1km to run.
Was feeling really strong and pace was still better than I could have hoped for. Knew the killer hill was coming at around 18km so was mentally preparing myself for that. It's a tough one. You can see from my splits where that hill came! I knew after that though that there were only another couple of small hills before 20km & then it was pretty much downhill & flat to the finish. After the hill I had another gel. It was amazing this time to maintain my pace through the last 6km whereas previously this was where I had struggled.
Back onto the gravel track past the airport at 24km was torture on the feet but my theory was if I ran I'd be over if quicker than if I stopped to walk - I think though this is where the damage to my poor foot was done. It was also pretty hot at this point with no shade from the sun but I knew I was nearly there and that pushed me on.
Coming into The Royal Highland Centre was brilliant - loads of race crew cheering us on. Fab to see the lovely Sarah B too cheering me on - always helps when you hear your own name.
Then into the finishing straight and saw Mt Fudgey & his Dad - I felt absolutely brilliant and even had enough for a sprint finish to bring me in just under 2 hours 50 mins.
Mr Fudgey told me that I looked really strong compared to last time I ran this race where I looked tired at the finish.
It's certainly boosted my confidence for the Marathon.
Through the finish line into the finish area - a bottle of water, medal, energy drink and goody bag.
I need to find out what that energy drink was - not so I can get some so that I avoid it - it was vile - but that's my only negative of the whole event.
Disappointing it wasn't better attended - I think numbers were well down on October.
Being a complete stats geek I've managed to put 2011 & 201 splits side by side and they make me smile - shows me how much stronger I am getting all the time.
Official time was 2 hours 49 minutes 55 seconds.
After the run I had my ice bath and I have to admit my legs although a little stiff on Sunday by Monday didn't feel like they'd run 26.2km, unfortunately my right foot did & I have a very nasty blister & bruising which needed a trip to the doc :-( This was actually partly my fault as I am prone to blisters and always tape my feet. However on Sunday I taped my feet but didn't put my socks or trainers on straight away. I then walked about in bare feet & the tape slid slightly and wasn't sticking properly but rather than retaping I just put more tape on top. Sore lesson learnt! So no running for me for a good few days to allow it to heal. I have found a way to use this positively though and am threatening to expose what is under the dressing if people don't sponsor me - yes I am that evil ;-%
Hoping to get in a 20 miler this weekend and next before taper caper commences - less than 5 weeks to the Marathon now and I'm in a pretty good place.