Exhibit A
100g oatmeal
1/2 tsp salt
pinch of bicarb of soda
1 tbsp sunflower oil
2 tbsp hot water
Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add oil & water & mix. Roll out & cut out using a pastry cutter. Bake in the over at gas mark 4 for 8 - 10 mins
I thought these were very salty and not really to my taste but not bad.
But I thought I'd try a different recipe to see if I could find something more suitable for my palate.
Exhibit B
60g Oatmeal
60g wholemeal flour
1/2 tsp bicarb of soda
pinch salt
1 tbsp corn oil
5 tbsp hot water
Pretty much same as Exhibit A, except oven temp. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add oil & water & mix. Roll out & cut out using a pastry cutter. Bake in the over at gas mark 6 for 10 mins
These were really really nice.
There was a little 'dough' left so I decided to add some ginger - I love Nairns ginger oat biscuits - one of my favourites - this is where the idea stemmed from and thus behold...
Exhibit C
These were also tasty.
Mr Fudgey did a fantastic job as chief taster.
& some Running
and I was back to running today. 5km in 29 minutes 14 seconds. First 3 kms no problem, last 2 started to feel a little tense and I was a little sore after my run but I put this down to the fact there was no hot water at the gym & I had to have a cold shower....which was very invigorating but not so good for my leg. I think coupled with the fact that I then sat for 2.5 hours watching Avatar which I loved & being the emotional fudgey I am, cried at. There you go Mr Fudgey I have owned up to crying at Avatar!
Plan for this week is to ease gently back to the running and see how the leg feels.
Hope you've all have a wonderful weekend.
More soon
Fudgey xx
Oh my, I *have* to try some homemade oat biscuits, thanks for the idea!