Saturday, 16 April 2011

Pre race - Prep, Phantom Pains, Pasta & Nerves

Hi Fudgey Friends,

Just a quick post before I go to bed. Have to leave the house at 6.30am tomorrow for the Kilomathon.

I'm pretty organised have all my kit laid out, safety pins etc in my bag.

Tonight I made chicken & broccoli lasagne - so great pre race carbs.

I've also had a lovely relaxing soak in the bath .....oh & indulged in a nap this afternoon for 2 hours!

None of the above prep though has stopped me experiencing phantom aches & pains in my legs - I always get these just before an event - i think it's an anxiety thing.

I'm also pretty nervous. I don't know why as I've done this event before & have run further - so I should be fine.

Will let you know tomorrow how I got on

lots of love
Fudgey xxxx

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