How are we all? I am so sorry that my posts are not so frequent at the moment - I'm just so busy just now I keep wanting to sit down & blog but time just keeps escaping from me.
Well last Sunday I made my Thai green curry - vegetable for me with courgettes & prawns for Mr Fudgey with carrots substituted for the courgettes - both were really good.
Thanks to Scottish Slimmers for
another great recipe.
Monday morning came & Mr Fudgey & I thought that all was starting ti return to normality - we got the bus into work no problem....then the snow started. We couldn't get home. Thankfully I work for a brilliant company who really look after their employees and they arranged a hotel for me for the night and for everyone else who was stranded. Mr Fudgey and I went out for a lovely meal and then went to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Much as we both would have preferred to get home to our cosy housie we made the best of the situation and at least didn't have far to go to get to work on Tuesday.
Adventure Fudge
On Tuesday though there was no more snow the temperatures had plummeted and you'll all have seen the terrible scenes of people being stranded on the roads for hours on end. There were still no buses home, but I was grumpy Fudgey as I still had the same clothes from Monday & was worried about the cats and the house. Huge Thanks to Mum and Dad Smith for going and feeding our babies and doing some bits and bobs about the place - it was very very very much appreciated - especially the venturing out in the awful weather. At lunchtime Mr Fudgey & I took the decision to try to get home regardless - we took a bus half way & then walked the rest - it took us 2 hours & 5 minutes walking and we later discovered the temperature had been between -7 & -11. We got home safe though and were so happy. The downstairs toilet was frozen up - with no water coming in at all - but other than that all was well.
Workout Wifey
Workout Fudge aka She Hulk (Thanks Hubby)made a welcome return on Wednesday & Thursday. Wednesday was a PT session and though it was really tough I saw a glimpse of just how far I had come - I managed to squat 50kg - I couldn't have done that a year ago.
The session included assisted pulls ups superset with dead rows, underarm grip pull down 32.5kg, superset with 15kg bicep curls (4 sets of 10 each).3 super sets of 15 squats 50kg & 12 lunges with 30lb dumbbells. Finishing of with cable hamstrings & swiss ball crunches.
Thursday lunchtime I managed to get in a quick 30 minute run on the treadmill too and really pushed the pace - looked like a beetroot by the end - but felt fudgeytastic :-)
A long long week
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday we didn't have much trouble getting to & from work - journeys a little longer than normal but not too bad & by Friday we were starting to thaw nicely. The downstairs toilet returned to working order when the inlet pipes thawed out & all the snow slid nicely off the conservatory. I felt completely drained though and so glad it was Friday night.
Baker Fudgey
After doing our big shop this morning I was busy baker Fudgey in the kitchen & have so far made Cappuccino Marble cake, Cranberry & Orange muffins & Carrot cake.
These are to take to the office on Monday as a Thank you for the donations to When you wish upon Star & I'll be taking part in the Edinburgh Santa Run tomorrow. I am so so excited about this - it's just for fun and I can't wait.
I'll be back tomorrow with a quick post on the Santa run
lots of love
Fudgey xxxx
Cappucino marble cake sounds goood! Hope the weather is getting better for you.. it's started melting round here but it's turned everywhere into an ice rink, amazed I haven't been down yet!!