Monday, 1 June 2015

Official Marathon training week 16 & 17

Hello all,

I am so sorry that I have not been able to post, there has just been so much going on.

This is a quick catch up from my last couple of weeks of training.

Week 16 - week beginning 18th May

Tuesday 19th May - 3.48 miles, short on time but squeezed in a short one.
Friday 22nd May - 4.57 miles, part of way to work.

Week 17 - week beginning 25th May - Marathon week!

Monday 25th May - a day off work, ran 3 times
Run 1 - 2.5 miles to nursery
Run 2 - 1.5 miles back from nursery pushing buggy....uphill
Run 3 - 2.24 speedy miles once Miss Bug was down for her afternoon nap

Wednesday 27th - last pre marathon run, brilliant 6.63 miles part of way to work. Feeling ready :-)

And that brought my marathon training to an end.....time for the big event

Sunday 31st May - Edinburgh marathon 

I did it....full details to follow later tonight but I am a 3 time marathon finisher. Legs pretty sore today but so proud of myself.

Back later
Lots of love
Fudgey xxxx

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