Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Official Marathon Training Week 13

Dear lovely fudgey followers, friends and family.

Hopefully a quick update from last week, it has been a challenging one.

Please bear with me if I ramble, make no sense or it's just simply boring...will try and keep it brief.

Monday 27th - a rest day after Sunday long run

Tuesday 28th - I was apprehensive about running after Sunday's tough 18 miles...but had a really good run 5.16 miles

Wednesday 29th - chasing 100 miles for the month of April and testing out new running shoes... A wee 2.55 miles

Thursday 30th - 1.58 miles done after the journey from Edinburgh to Inverness and hospital visiting. Needed to run to clear my head and as my therapy but also to crack 100 miles. 100.3 miles to be precise.
Friday 1st May - no running but more hospital visiting and journey back from Inverness but it is now...
Sat 2nd May - another rest day....incredibly tired.

Sunday 3rd May - shattered out of my skull but long run day and no space for excuses 4 weeks till the marathon now. 21 amazing miles done...including singing. The highlight though had to be coming home to Bug saying 'i help Mummy have a ice bath' and doing just that pouring in the ice and offering me her bath toys :-)

And that leads me to say the biggest most massive Thanks to so many people..... I wouldn't be here so close to the marathon without lots of help, love and support and especially this week for being there for me. I am truly blessed.

My Mum for inspiring me
Mum and Dad Smith - especially for Bug minding overnight while I went to Inverness
Fudgey Hubby 
Liz for also making the trip to Inverness
My Dad and Sis
Neil, Lyndsey, Di, Louisa and Eileen
Anne, Emma and Lynne 

And apologies to anyone I have forgotten to mention, Thank you all x

Last big training week this week but right now I need sleep.

Take Care everyone 
Lots of love
Fudgey xxxx

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